Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Our Lady of Weight Loss

I just finished reading Our Lady of Weight Loss by Janice Taylor. It sucked big time. Actually, it sucked huge-time. Ms. Taylor, who apparently considers herself an artist, was able to lose 50 pounds after she "heard a voice" telling her to turn weight loss into an art project. She called the voice Our Lady of Weight Loss. I kid you not.

The general advice of the book is pretty routine, stuff I've read before. However, I had never read about plate feng shui before. (Can I tell you how happy I am that the spell check doesn't recognize feng shui. Chalk one up for critical thinking). She says I should balance my meals, not what I'm eating, but the color of what I'm eating. Also don't forget to use the right color plate and have the right color tablecloth at the right time of day. What bullshit! (The spell check recognizes that)

She also has something called Our Lady of Weight Loss's Kick in the Tush Club. Which is like nails on a chalkboard to me. I hate the word tush. Could it be more puerile? If you don't want to use the word ass, fine, but don't use a phrase that should have ass in it. What are you 12? I realize I've stopped critiquing the book and have started ranting. 

She also suggests several art projects throughout the book, like decorating macaroni and cheese boxes or decorating sneakers. Her illustrations throughout the book also suck huge-time. He art projects all seem to be taking prints of saints and putting eye-glasses on them. I don't think she is as original or talented as she thinks she is. I REALLY hated the illustrations.  I don't get the link between weight loss and juvenile art projects.

In good news, after being within a pound of it for five days, I finally hit 219, which means I've lost 80 pounds. And have spend the afternoon singing 2:19 by Tom Waits. All without plate feng shui.

1 comment:

Michaele said...

I love when you rant.

Also- congrats!!! You look amazing!