Tuesday, March 3, 2009

French Women Don't Get Fat

I just read French Women Don't Get Fat by Mireille Guiliano. I had heard lost of great things about it, so I was pretty excited to read it. I must admit I was rather disappointed.  The author moved to America for a year when she was a teenager and gained about 30 pounds (she never says for sure). When she returns to France, with the help of a family doctor, she loses the weight and is set on the path of good eating and good living. 

Many of the ideas she espouses are good; eating a varied diet, drinking lots of water, treating yourself. But I was disturbed by a few things - particularly her recommendation that when you are starting out to only have leek soup for a weekend. A liquid diet, really?

Also the lifestyle and food habits she recommends are really only available to people who are well-off.  I can see her ideas working better for people who only need to lose 30 pounds - not people like me who need to lose a lot.

Although I did really make me want to go to France - but of course I already wanted to go to France.

So on the whole, I'm going to give it a 'meh'. 

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