Thursday, November 12, 2009

On the Road Again

Maintaining ends so quickly and then it's time to lose again. My next goal is to hit 179 by Valentine's Day. That means I'll have lost 120 pounds and, according to my BMI, no longer be obese. I'll be overweight. Woo-hoo!

This cycle I'm going to have to lose over Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's. Yikes!

As always, here is a photo tour of my journey so far:


Michaele said...

wow. just wow.

Name goes here said...

Seriously. That first photo... Who the hell is that?

jessikuh said...

Wow! That is amazing! You're a rock star!

J. Durden said...

Congrats! If only I could work through my emotional problems with the tenacity you've tackled your weight loss journey.