I recently read The Snack-Factor Diet by Keri Glassman. She argues that the key to weight loss is snacking to keep ones energy up and ones metabolism high. On the whole it was an OK book. Although it's more of an eating plan than a 'diet'. But of course, what you eat doesn't affect your metabolism - one of the many metabolism myths. I greatly disapprove of her opinion that dieters should not eat fruit for the first month of the diet, to lose the taste for sweetness. I think that's just plain stupid. She was also quick to recommend the snack bars that her company produces. I did like that she said that if you stray from the diet each meal is a chance to start over again. I don't think she broke any new ground with her book, but there was some solid advice there.
Thanksgiving is tomorrow. I plan on indulging, but not over-indulging. Wish me luck!