I just read The Cheater's Diet by Paul Rivas, M.D. and E.A. Tremblay. Apparently it is "the medically proven way to supercharge weight loss, break through diet ruts, and stay thin for good". Their theory is that by "taking weekends off" from your diet your body will not go into starvation mode and your metabolism will run hot consistently.
I thought it was an interesting hypothesis, but I don't think he had enough proof. The book doesn't have any footnotes or bibliography. I was put off at the first chapter because it was written with a this is so easy and doesn't involve any hard work on your part mentality. It did get better though. I could see this working well for some people with some weight to lose, but I don't see it working me. I give it 3 out of 5 stars.
Since today is my birthday I wanted to be at 199. Unfortunately, I have missed that goal by 6 pounds. So I still have some work to do until I can maintain (and see the wonderful 1 on the scale!). I hope to be able to do it in two weeks. We shall see.
I like to curb my disappointment with a more objective appreciation for how far I've come overall. I may not have as many pull-ups as I'd like currently, for instance, but I've gone from failing every event in the Marine Corps' PFT to being a "1st class" in both the PFT and CFT. *Shrug*
I don't know about the book, but I am no fan of that Photoshop job.
You'll get there soon, Laura. You've already done a lot and done it very well. The joyous 1 will come up soon.
Possibly even by the time you read this. Fancy that.
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